Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Notes on "Across the Sea"

So now we know where Jacob and the Man in Black came from, but where did the midwife/murderer killer come from?
Aha! The black and White rock game.
He doesn't have a name.
"I've made it so you can never hurt each other."
"This is the reason we're here."
I'm confused.
"I don't care!" Good call, Jacob.
So she turned him into a vampire like on "Lost Boys"?
Star Wars burned village reference.
Yep, saw that coming.
Worst death scene ever.
Knew that was going to happen to. Black Smoke from cave.
Aha! Thank you, show!
Necessary episode but just okay. I loved the ending though.
2 episodes left and an awesome promo with The Doors' "The End". Very cool.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Already getting ready for Summer term

Last night I finished my reflection paper for Collection Development class.  I has to discuss my Collection Development project – the YA serialized novel collection.  I talked about how it went, what tools I used and how I would have changed it.  There’s a lot I would have changed. 

Read my Reflection Essay here

I finished the Web Development final website on Thursday.  After I submitted my simple, efficient Friends of the Titusville Library site (a site which I can’t link to as it has to be used via my TWU account) was nothing compared to the other sites.  People had sidebars, headers, tons of info, etc.  But I did what was required and what I thought was good for my project.  Oh well.

I still have no idea what’s going on with Financial Aid.  The office told me that I would be awarded for 2010 but the information for my account online still says there’s no award.  School starts at the beginning of June so my classes have to get paid somehow.  I have to take Practicum and Public Library (again).  I have to have an extra class as I’m doing the volunteer class.

Also, TWU hadn’t received anything from the library director here about my volunteering.  When I called to ask for the director to contact the school, I spoke with a nice librarian (one reason why I love this profession – librarians are so nice) who was eager for me to volunteer because she “definitely needs” my help.  How nice to be needed.  I can get my education and help people all at the same time.  What a nice career I’ve chosen.

So that’s all for the time being in the world of my late night library endeavors.  I will be finishing up the grades this weekend for the classes I taught and then it’s major cleaning and getting ready for the vacation. 

20 days until Steve and I are on vacation together!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Almost finished with Spring 2010

Collection Development class discussion

Short essay by school librarian - do you agree?

Bringelson , Carin. (2004). On intellectual freedom. School Libraries in Canada, 24(4), p.57-9

I really liked this passage in the article, "My job was not to take a position on the book, but simply to provide concrete information about the title and sometimes perspectives on the broader issue or issues involved. My work gave me the opportunity to think about the reasons why people challenge materials. While these reasons were many and varied, among the concerns that came up repeatedly (for many different titles) were objectionable language, sexuality, and violence.”

I would find it hard to not take a stance on a book, especially something I felt strongly against. I feel like a lawyer, trying to defend a client whom I thought shouldn’t walk the streets. I think this is probably the hardest part of our job, but I sort of see it from a parental sort of view to. (Granted, I have no children yet, so my views may change later when I do.) But, it seems like if you give kids the ability to be taught at home what is acceptable and what is not, then allow the kids to decide on their own if they think something is too much or inappropriate. Maybe it’s like drinking. If you tell them that it’s restricted and off limits and then on their 21st birthday they put themselves into a stupor, it’s because the whole thing was so out of their underage reach.

What is the difference between selection and censorship?

How can librarians avoid self-censorship?

Can you provide an example of self-censorship? This one can be real or made-up. Just provide a "case" for us to talk about. If real, do not name the library's name or the librarian.    

I'm not sure if things are fairly similar in small towns in Texas as they are in Florida, but I live in a very conservative place.  The school where I use to teach had a very nice, Sunday school teaching librarian and he was totally against having the book Wicked in his library.  But, as he pointed out, the kids wanted to read it so he put it on the shelves.

I honestly would have a hard time with self censorship, I admit, especially if I were working in the Children's Library.  Our jobs as librarians are to allow children to read whatever book they want to on the public library level. That’s a hard pill to swallow. Now, as for school libraries, I think it’s going to be even more tricky. As we’ve discussed, there are plenty of parents who are against Harry Potter novels yet the school libraries have them. I’m glad to know that, as our Power Point notes state, “Children – Lesser, but substantial protection, Parental control, ‘Harmful to minors’ statutes, Not all minors are the treated the same -5 year-old vs. 16 year-old.” But, if there is a YA book that has something a parent doesn’t like, it doesn’t mean the book will be yanked off a school or public library shelf. Again, I think it’s the toughest part of our job, quite honestly, to keep our own personal beliefs and convictions out of the selection process.

Class work

I have to finish shining up my website for Web Development class.  I’ll add some library events and tweak the fonts some, but otherwise it’s a basic website and that’s all we need.  (Well, it has that dreaded CSS stuff in there too…)

I also have to write my final Reflection paper and turn that in for Collection Development.  Everything, for both classes, is due on Friday.

Personal stuff

I finished teaching my day class on Monday, and now I have to finish up grading their Lit. Criticism essays and Annotated Bibliographies as well as their Final Exams.  Tonight I go to school for the last night class to collect the same work from those students.  Then I’ll put the grades in by next Monday and be finished with everything and officially on break for a while.

I’ve been jogging and swimming at the gym, so that’s giving me something else to keep me busy each day.  I also started up my new project called Unfinished Book Reviews that I may or may not keep on blogspot.  It seems the easiest right now to use Blogger for this stuff since so many library, librarian and education blogs are products of Blogger.

23 days until Steve and I begin our vacation!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Notes on "The Candidate"

Nice twist on "The Candidate" there, Lost
Anthony Cooper - nice!
Like Jack's going to take orders.
So he has to trust him via "I could kill you but I won't"? Oh Bad Locke, you're in for a showdown.
Kate's name was crossed out? I didn't realize that before - was I supposed to?
"I'm with him." That was good.
Ooh! I see what's up. They'll go with Locke and Jack will save them. Wonder if he'll side with Widmore.
Oh wow. His Dad is like that?
Bullet reflecting Bad Locke is like a comic book character.
Now Sawyer trusts Bad Locke now. Crazy. Oh no he doesn't. I like how he calls Bad Locke "it". He's going to drown Bad Locke?
Nice shot with Jack and Claire in the reflection.
I love this! Sawyer and Jack on the same team.
Nonono Jack! Wrong backpack!
Kate shot!
Jack take that dang backpack off!
He shut Claire out. Awesome!
Get up and throw it!
"We did exactly what he wanted."
This is amazing!
So zombie Sayid is still useful and good.
Oooh! Jack! That's amazing! "What if he can't?"
Awesome! Oh my gosh this is amazing!
Stupid sad moment. Knew it would happen though. Acting is so good.
What? "I was in a plane crash." Oh that's so good. Locke's bizarro world is backward.
"What Happened, Happened."
He remembers? "I wish you'd believed me."
And then there were four.
Poor Hurley. :-(
Poor Jack. :-(
"Finish what I started."
Wow. Just wow.

Jorge Garcia will be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight.
And for pity's sake do we really need another vampire thing like the new show "The Gates"? Shame on you ABC for following the herd. You're best for unique shows.

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